Happy Autism Acceptance Month!

As April dawns upon us, so does a time to celebrate neurodiversity, to embrace the unique perspectives and talents that autistic individuals bring to our communities. In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the language we use to talk about autism advocacy. Moving from "Autism Awareness" to "Autism Acceptance" signifies a deeper commitment to inclusivity, respect, and support for autistic individuals. It's about creating spaces where differences are celebrated, and where everyone is valued for who they are.

At Wildwood, we strive to offer neurodiversity affirming services. Neurodiversity-affirming music therapy practices recognize and celebrate the diverse ways in which individuals experience and engage with music and with the world around them in general. These practices are person-centered, acknowledging the unique strengths, preferences, and sensory profiles of each individual. 

Neurodiversity-affirming music therapy practices also prioritize accessibility and accommodation, ensuring that everyone can participate fully and comfortably. This may involve adapting instruments and equipment, providing visual supports, creating time and space for breaks, or creating sensory-friendly environments that meet unique sensory processing needs. 

Music therapy can also play a valuable role in promoting social connection and fostering a sense of belonging. Group music-making activities provide opportunities for collaboration, communication, and shared experiences, helping to strengthen social skills and build community bonds. In group settings, we value inclusivity of both neurodivergent and neurotypical folks. It should not always be the job of individuals labeled as “neurodivergent” to learn how to interact with “neurotypical” people. Rather, we believe group music making can be a great opportunity for people of all different neuro-types and backgrounds to form connections and develop the important skills of  having patience and respect for others. 

If you are interested in enrolling your child in an inclusive Summer camp, check out what we’re offering at: https://www.wildwoodmusictherapy.com/purchase/summer-camps

Learn more about Autism Acceptance Month at https://autismsociety.org/autism-acceptance-month/



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