Our Services — At a Glance

  • Individual Music Therapy

    Individual music therapy services are offered for individuals of all ages and stages of life, and for a variety of health and wellness goals.

    In music therapy, a board-certified music therapist uses and facilitates music interventions to address non-musical goals within a therapeutic relationship.

  • Group Music Therapy

    Group music therapy can provide many of the same benefits of individual music therapy with additional opportunities for socialization and peer communication, group cohesion, and social support.

    Sessions and programs are developed with each community to meet their unique needs.

  • Adaptive Music Lessons

    Music lessons are offered on a variety of instruments and with an approach that’s focused on each student’s unique learning styles, preferences, and functional and wellness goals for musicianship.

    We specialize in adaptive lessons for individuals with disabilities, lessons for adult beginners, and lessons for anyone seeking creative, and flexible music instruction.

  • Group Music Lessons

    Group music lessons provide a unique opportunity to make music with others, socialize, make friends, and support one another through the learning process.

    Group lesson price may be paid in full by a facility, or split among several individuals.